Type of Business: Restaurant
American, Mexican
Price: $
Rating Criteria
1. From Scratch: Serves mostly (i.e., more than half of the menu) fresh food, prepared from scratch. Does NOT rely primarily on kits or prepared/partially prepared foods from commercial food services.
2. Local/Organic: Offers at least some locally sourced and/or organically produced food and/or wild-caught seafood.
3. Pastured: Offers at least some pastured animal foods.
4. Organs: Offers some dishes made with organ meats (liver/paté, sweetbreads, heart, kidney, brains, etc.).
Not Sure
5. Cooking Fats: Cooks (sautés) in natural fats such as butter, lard, tallow, duck fat, coconut oil, or olive oil; uses lard, duck fat, or tallow for frying.
Not Sure
6. Bone Broth: Makes own bone broths/stocks for use in soups, stews, gravies, and sauces (does NOT use canned broth or powdered soup bases).
7. Seasonings: Makes most of its own seasoning mixes (does NOT use flavoring packets or MSG).
8. Salad oils: Makes most of its own salad dressings using olive oil or cold-pressed sesame oil.
Not Sure
9. Breads: Offers genuine sourdough bread.
10. Beverages: Offers lacto-fermented beverages (such as kombucha or kvass).
11. Condiments: Offers lacto-fermented condiments.
Not Sure
12. Desserts: Offers desserts made with natural sweeteners (such as raw honey, maple syrup, maple sugar, molasses, date sugar, palm sugar, coconut sugar, sorghum syrup, or malt syrup).
Not Sure
Rating Created by:
Creg Istre
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Location & Contact
709 Conrad Hilton Blvd
Cisco, TX
Slowpoke Farm is owned and operated by Kerry and Joy Hedges, former WAPF Charter leaders. They are proud to be chemical free for 18 years. They love farming food and selling direct to customers. The food is delicious. All of the meat and cheese they sell is from local Texas farms. They meet the farmers and visit most of the farms. The beef will be grass-fed and grass-finished. The chicken will be raised on pasture and fed a non-GMO feed. The pigs are born and raised on their farm and live their entire life outside in the sunshine. Their sausage and bratwurst products are MSG-free. The cows milk cheese is from Dublin, Texas.