Type of Business: Restaurant
Price: $$$
Rating Criteria
1. From Scratch: Serves mostly (i.e., more than half of the menu) fresh food, prepared from scratch. Does NOT rely primarily on kits or prepared/partially prepared foods from commercial food services.
2. Local/Organic: Offers at least some locally sourced and/or organically produced food and/or wild-caught seafood.
3. Pastured: Offers at least some pastured animal foods.
4. Organs: Offers some dishes made with organ meats (liver/paté, sweetbreads, heart, kidney, brains, etc.).
Not Sure
5. Cooking Fats: Cooks (sautés) in natural fats such as butter, lard, tallow, duck fat, coconut oil, or olive oil; uses lard, duck fat, or tallow for frying.
Not Sure
6. Bone Broth: Makes own bone broths/stocks for use in soups, stews, gravies, and sauces (does NOT use canned broth or powdered soup bases).
7. Seasonings: Makes most of its own seasoning mixes (does NOT use flavoring packets or MSG).
8. Salad oils: Makes most of its own salad dressings using olive oil or cold-pressed sesame oil.
Not Sure
9. Breads: Offers genuine sourdough bread.
10. Beverages: Offers lacto-fermented beverages (such as kombucha or kvass).
11. Condiments: Offers lacto-fermented condiments.
Not Sure
12. Desserts: Offers desserts made with natural sweeteners (such as raw honey, maple syrup, maple sugar, molasses, date sugar, palm sugar, coconut sugar, sorghum syrup, or malt syrup).
Not Sure
Rating Created by:
Danielle Reghi
Notify rater of changes to business info or rating criteria
Location & Contact
6116 Southeast Milwaukie Avenue
Portland, OR
Bastion is a nutritionist chef owned and operated restaurant in the trendy and bustling Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood of Portland. The Bastion team operates the business with the utmost intention and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of our community. They are 100% gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, soy-free and corn-free, and aim to accommodate a variety of diets and ways of eating so that no matter how each person chooses to feed their body, there will be something for everyone on the menu. They source ingredients locally, and are committed to supporting regenerative farming practices. You can dine in. There is also a fridge where you can pick up necessities such as bone broth and grain free bread, two of my favorites. I am not sure about every ingredient they use, but they seem to be pretty forward thinking, and seem to practice most of the Weston Price principles.