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Rating Criteria
1. From Scratch: Serves mostly (i.e., more than half of the menu) fresh food, prepared from scratch. Does NOT rely primarily on kits or prepared/partially prepared foods from commercial food services.
Comments: Their menu depends on what is available locally and what their chefs can come up with.
"Our ever-changing menu has noshes, soups, salads, burgers and full plates. A "nosh" is a smaller nibble, but there's always enough to share! "
"Our ever-changing menu has noshes, soups, salads, burgers and full plates. A "nosh" is a smaller nibble, but there's always enough to share! "
2. Local/Organic: Offers at least some locally sourced and/or organically produced food and/or wild-caught seafood.
Comments: "In addition to our own micro-brewed beers, you will find locally grown produce, as well as produce from our own gardens."
3. Pastured: Offers at least some pastured animal foods.
Comments: "We specialize in all-grass fed, ethically raised bison from Dr. Trippy's own Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve.
All our standard burgers are half a pound each of ethically raised, 100% grass fed bison from our own bison preserve 45 minutes away in Fremont, Indiana."
All our standard burgers are half a pound each of ethically raised, 100% grass fed bison from our own bison preserve 45 minutes away in Fremont, Indiana."
4. Organs: Offers some dishes made with organ meats (liver/paté, sweetbreads, heart, kidney, brains, etc.).
5. Cooking Fats: Cooks (sautés) in natural fats such as butter, lard, tallow, duck fat, coconut oil, or olive oil; uses lard, duck fat, or tallow for frying.
6. Bone Broth: Makes own bone broths/stocks for use in soups, stews, gravies, and sauces (does NOT use canned broth or powdered soup bases).
7. Seasonings: Makes most of its own seasoning mixes (does NOT use flavoring packets or MSG).
Comments: Must ask about this
8. Salad oils: Makes most of its own salad dressings using olive oil or cold-pressed sesame oil.
9. Breads: Offers genuine sourdough bread.
10. Beverages: Offers lacto-fermented beverages (such as kombucha or kvass).
Comments: Their specialty is the products of their brewery.
11. Condiments: Offers lacto-fermented condiments.
Comments: I have to ask about this
12. Desserts: Offers desserts made with natural sweeteners (such as raw honey, maple syrup, maple sugar, molasses, date sugar, palm sugar, coconut sugar, sorghum syrup, or malt syrup).
Rating Created by:
Kris Johnson
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Location & Contact
301 W Butler St
Bryan, OH 43506
"Save the church!" Dr. John Trippy had a vision to save an abandoned, historic church in Bryan, Ohio, and to enhance the quality of life in and around Northwest Ohio. And thus Father John's was born! A restaurant, brewery, performance venue, sanctuary and more.
They also have a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/FatherJohns/